Oradores & Moderadores


Innovation-Driven Agrifood Business

21 de março de 2023
Ana Machado Silva
Ana Machado SilvaCoordenadora de I&D e Inovação

Ana Machado Silva é atualmente Coordenadora de I&D e Inovação na MC, holding de retalho alimentar do Grupo SONAE, focando a sua atuação em projetos colaborativos nas áreas alimentar e de sustentabilidade.

O percurso prévio no Grupo SONAE incluiu a responsabilidade pela área de Inovação Aberta para o Retalho, promovendo a cooperação entre o Grupo e diferentes entidades do Sistema Científico e Tecnológico, nacional e internacional, bem como do mundo do empreendedorismo nomeadamente nos domínios do retalho alimentar e desenvolvimento de produto.

É licenciada em Gestão pela Universidade do Porto, com Pós-Graduação em Marketing pelo IPAM, e Pós-Graduação em Gestão da Informação e Marketing Intelligence pela Porto Business School.

21/mar | 12h30-13h00 | Moderadora Painel 2
Bernardo Ivo Cruz
Bernardo Ivo Cruz Secretário de Estado da Internacionalização no Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros

Bernardo Forjaz Vieira  Ivo Cruz nasceu em Lisboa em 1968. É Secretário de Estado da Internacionalização no Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros da República Portuguesa e Académico Correspondente da Academia Internacional da Cultura Portuguesa.

Doutor em Ciência Política pela Universidade de Bristol no Reino Unido, foi Bolseiro de Doutoramento Chevening do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros Britânico e é Alumnus do Prince of Wales’s Business and Sustainability Program pelo Instituto de Sustentabilidade e Liderança da Universidade de Cambridge.

No Setor Público foi Subsecretário de Estado Adjunto do Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Conselheiro na Representação Permanente de Portugal junto da União Europeia durante a Presidência Portuguesa do Conselho de 2021 e Administrador Executivo da SOFID - Sociedade para o Financiamento do Desenvolvimento. Foi também Chefe de Gabinete do Ministro de Estado e dos Negócios Estrangeiros e Conselheiro Económico e Comercial nas Embaixadas Portuguesas no Reino Unido e no Brasil onde dirigiu os Centros de Negócios da AICEP para a América do Latina e para o Reino Unido e Irlanda.

No Ensino Superior foi membro do Conselho Editorial do Public Policy Portuguese Journal da Unidade de Monitorização das Políticas Públicas da Universidade de Évora, Investigador Associado do Centro de Investigação do Instituto de Estudos Políticos da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, membro da Direção do Clube de Lisboa e  Visiting Academic, Lecture, Assistant Lecture e Teaching Assistant nas Universidades de Loughborough, Cardiff e Bristol no Reino Unido. Foi ainda membro eleito do Court da Universidade de Bristol e membro dos Conselhos Científico e Pedagógico na Escola de Estudos Europeus da Universidade de Cardiff.

Nas Organizações Não-Governamentais coordenou a Missão de Apoio à Reconciliação Nacional em Timor-Leste do Club de Madrid, foi Secretário-Geral do Conselho Português do Movimento Europeu e membro da Direcção e da Mesa da Assembleia Geral da Liga dos Amigos do Mosteiro dos Jerónimos.

Na iniciativa privada foi membro do Conselho Estratégico para as Relações Internacionais da CIP - Confederação Empresarial de Portugal, Consultor Estratégico para as Políticas Públicas e Relações Internacionais na CV&A. Fundou e foi Global Managing Partner do True Bridge Consultancy Group, foi Presidente da Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Portuguesa no Reino Unido, representou a Federação do Comércio de Bens, Serviços e Turismo do Estado de São Paulo (Brasil) na Europa e foi Partner da Leadership Business Consulting.

Foi editor da The London BREXIT Monthly Digest, que acompanhou o processo de saída do Reino Unido da União Europeia do ponto de vista de Londres, assinou colunas de opinião periódicas no Diário de Notícias e no Diário Económico e foi comentador convidado sobre assuntos internacionais em vários meios de comunicação social.

Serviu como Cônsul Honorário da República do Botswana em Portugal.

Foi distinguido pela Assembleia Municipal de São Paulo, Brasil, pelo “Contributo para o Desenvolvimento da Cidade” nas Comemorações dos 450 anos da respectiva fundação, recebeu o “Business internationalisation Award 2014/15” do Ministério do Comércio Externo do Reino Unido e foi condecorado pela República do Chile e pela República da Estónia.

Viveu e trabalhou na Bélgica, Brasil, Portugal, Reino Unido e Timor-Leste.

21/mar | 17h00-17h15 | Internacionalização do conhecimento
Bruno Pereira da Silva
Bruno Pereira da SilvaDiretor Economia Circular e Ambiente PIEP

Licenciatura em Engenharia de Polímeros pela Universidade do Minho, Especialização em Projeto e Fabrico de Componentes para Automóvel pela Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Gestão de Projetos e Advanced Management Programme pela Porto Business School e Doutorando do Programa Doutoral em Gestão e Tratamento de Resíduos da Universidade do Minho.

Exerce na atualidade as funções de Diretor da Área de Economia Circular e Ambiente no PIEP, Polo de Inovação em Engenharia de Polímeros da Universidade do Minho, Centro de Interface Tecnológico Português, onde desenvolve atividades de investigação, desenvolvimento e inovação em parceria com a indústria nacional e internacional ao nível da sustentabilidade e da economia circular. Enquanto representante do PIEP tem tido participação ativa em diferentes plataformas a nível nacional e internacional, onde se destacam as participações enquanto membro indicado para a Circular Plastics Alliance da DG Grow da Comissão Europeia; o Pacto Português para os Plásticos; e a ECP4 - European Composites, Plastics and Polymer Processing Platform, plataforma europeia que agrega mais de 18 Instituições Europeias de Investigação, 4 Clusters Regionais e 3 Organizações Industriais Europeias do sector dos plásticos e compósitos. Possui mais de 18 publicações técnico científicas.

21/mar | 12h00-12h15 | Inovação e Sustentabilidade na Embalagem
Chiara Gallucci
Chiara Gallucci Sustainability Specialist
3D Essence Food

Chiara Gallucci is the Sustainability Specialist of 3D Essence Food, a company founded by Marcio Barradas and dedicated to bringing cutting edge food technologies to the market. Chiara started her journey with the 3D Essence Food team one year ago, as Sustainability Intern, to carry out her Master Thesis in the field of freeze-drying technology. Achieving global food and water security is a multifaceted challenge, therefore with her studies background in food system management and her interest in current global challenges, she would like to blend business approach with sustainable vision in the food system.

As a determined person, she believes that we can make a big contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals. Thanks to Essence Food, she is playing an active role to establish a joint action to work more effectively on some common goals:  no poverty (Goal 1), zero hunger (Goal 2), good health and well-being (Goal 3), responsible production and consumption (Goal 12), climate action (Goal 13). In this regard, the 3D Essence Food R&D department is working according to the philosophy that every resource turns into a nutrient for nature, society and industry. Good for you, with high nutrition and health benefits and good for the planet, being environmentally sustainable is the key added value of Essence Food.

Therefore, Marcio’s foodtech company represents world reference for projects that share the belief to solve food insecurity issues, while reducing the carbon and water footprint.

Through one of the most efficient methods of freeze-drying process, 3D Essence Food tailor-makes its products for clients according to their nutritional requirements and focuses on the enhancement of fruits and vegetables losses, perfectly still fit for human consumption, in order to recover value from what would otherwise end up in landfills.

It’s not only a matter of the quantity of calories indeed, but also the quality of nutrients: fruits and vegetables contain large amounts of essential biocompounds useful to face on one hand the global dietary deficiencies, on the other hand the desire for new healthy and sustainable food formats.

21/mar | 15h30-16h00 | Upcycling Food Losses
Daniel Ramón Vidal
Daniel Ramón VidalDistinguished Research Fellow Microbiome Health & Wellness
ADM Nutrition

He has a degree and a PhD in Biological Sciences from the University of Valencia. He did his PhD working at the Department of Molecular Genetics of the pharmaceutical company Antibioticos S.A. He carried out post-doctoral stays in the Industrial Microorganisms Section of the Genetics Department of the Wageningen University of Agriculture (The Netherlands). He was Professor of Food Technology at the University of Valencia and Research Professor at the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). He is currently on leave of absence from both academic responsibilities.


In 2003 he founded the biotechnology company Biopolis S.L. specialized in microbial biotechnology and in 2008 the company Lifesequencing S.L. specialized in massive genome sequencing. Both companies were acquired in 2017 by the US multinational company Archer Daniels Midland Co (ADM). He is currently Distinguished Research Fellow Microbiome at ADM and is the scientific director of the microbiome platform of this company.


His technological results are protected by thirty patent families covering more than four hundred national and international patents, most of them transferred and in use. He has published more than 160 articles in prestigious international journals indexed in the Science Citation Index. He has been awarded the Prize of the Spanish Society of Microbiology, the Prize for Scientific Trajectory of the Danone Institute, the European Prize for Scientific Dissemination, the Juan de la Cierva National Research Prize, the International Hippocrates Prize, the Medal for Innovation of the García Cabrerizo Foundation and the International Nutrachampion Prize.


He is Full Member of the Royal Academy of Engineering of Spain. He belongs to the Governing Council of the Spanish National Research Council.

21/mar | 9h15-9h45 | The role of science and technology in the future of the agri-food industry
José Carlos Caldeira
José Carlos CaldeiraAdministrador do INESC TEC

É Administrador do INESC TEC. Entre outubro de 2014 e janeiro de 2018, foi Presidente da ANI – Agência Nacional de Inovação. Até 2014, foi Administrador Executivo do PRODUTECH – Pólo das Tecnologias de Produção e Director do INESC Porto. É ainda membro do High Level Group da Plataforma Tecnológica MANUFUTURE e Chairman do seu Implementation Support Group. É membro do Board da EFFRA – European Factories of the Future Research Organization. É perito RIS3 da DG REGIO e do JRC.

É professor associado convidado da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto e da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.

21/mar | 15h00-15h30 | Moderador Painel 3
José Carlos Brito Lopes
José Carlos Brito LopesCTO CoLAB Net4CO2
José Carlos Lopes graduated in Chemical Engineering in 1977, at FEUP the EngineeringSchool of the University of Porto. That same year, he joined the Chemical EngineeringDepartment of FEUP as Teaching Assistant. In 1979 he started his Ph.D. studies at the Department of Chemical Engineering of the University of Houston (Texas, USA), and obtained the Ph.D. degree in 1984 under the guidance of the late Professor Abe Dukler in the area of Multiphase Fluid Mechanics. He then joined Schlumberger Ltd. as a Research Scientist where he worked at Schlumberger-Doll Research Center (Ridgefield, Conneticut,USA) until the end of 1986 and at Schlumberger Cambridge Research (Cambridge, UK) in 1987, conducting research in Well-Bore Multi-Phase Flows. Returned to FEUP in 1988 and joined the R&D Unit LSRE. In 2005 he founded Fluidinova, a spin-off from FEUP, the first nanoparticle-based products company in Portugal. Since 2010 is back at FEUP, teaching in the Chemical Engineering Department, and pursuing research at the Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM in the area of Product Engineering. Since 2012, he is a delegate member of theWorking Party on Mixing, WPM, of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering, EFCE. In 2016, he was co-founder of a new spin-off company MICE, commercializing novel methodologies for RIM, reaction injection moulding, a plastics production technology. In 2019, he was co-founder of a new Portuguese R&D organization, CoLAB Net4CO2 - Network for a Sustainable CO2 Economy, for the development of new processes and products, using the NETmix technology, to create significant contributions to the CO2 sustainable circular economy, where since October 2019 he is acting as CTO. Author of 11 patent applications with 7 granted. Published >90 articles in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters. Supervised 20 PhD theses and 26 MSc dissertations.

21/mar | 14h45-15h00 | O enorme desafio das emissões do CO2! Que Futuro...
Luís Filipe Guerreiro​
Luís Filipe Guerreiro​Presidente da Comissão Diretiva do IAPMEI​

Adjunto do Ministro da Economia e do Mar (desde 30 de março de 2022). Gestor sénior com experiência no desenvolvimento de estratégias para a promoção e implementação de novos negócios, gestão de parcerias internacionais, avaliações técnicas e económicas de projetos. Liderança de equipas multidisciplinares responsáveis pela operação, produção, estudos técnico-económicos de pesquisa e avaliação de recursos naturais. Gestão de projetos de investigação e inovação (I&I) com universidades nacionais e estrangeiras.

21/mar | 10h30-10h45 |Breve Introdução ao Programa das Agendas Mobilizadoras do PRR​
Luísa Cruz
Luísa CruzCo-founder and CTO of MicroHarvest

Luísa holds a MSc in Biotechnology from the Technical University of Lisbon (Portugal), which took her to write her Msc thesis at DSM (The Netherlands) where she began her industrial career. Following a year of experience as a researcher at the pilot unit of IBET and the Bioengineering group at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Luísa returned to the Netherlands where she got a PhD degree in Bioprocess Technology from Delft University of Technology.

This was followed by 9 years of experience at Corbion (the Netherlands). She joined in 2013 as a Fermentation Scientist and carried out a variety of roles, such as technical management of USP projects, team leader of Process Design and Data Science teams, and Competitive Intelligence & Market Insights manager.

In January 2022, Luísa returned to Portugal in the role of co-founder and CTO of MicroHarvest, driven by the passion to bring different disciplines together to deliver sustainable and scalable solutions to current food chain challenges.

21/mar | 10h30-10h45 |MicroHarvest: Nature’s protein unleashed
Marlos Silva
Marlos SilvaR&D+I Director | Area Leader Digital & Innovation

Graduated in Business at University of Pernambuco (Brazil) and M.Sc. in Accounting and Auditory at University of Aveiro (Portugal). Following a career in finance accumulates 19 years of experience in innovation management globally, serving in management positions throughout government agencies, universities, start-ups, large corporations and clusters, plus successfully creating businesses and as a consultant. He currently leads the R&D Department at MC Sonae leading the team who manages annually around 30 M € in R&D investment and engage group subholdings into collaborative projects from biomaterials to food innovation, robotics, smart logistics  and clean energy, plus digital transformation. He also currently serves as President of the Portuguese Blue Bioeconomy Collaborative Laboratory, Colab B2E.

21/mar | 16h30-17h00 | VIIAFOOD O Pacto de Inovação do Agroalimentar
Omri Alfassy
Omri AlfassySenior Scientist

Omri is a senior scientist within the biotech arena for more than a decade. Prior to Wilk, he served as R&D engineer, biochemist and molecular biologist. Omri also worked as a research assistant in industrial and academic laboratories both in Israel and abroad (Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Centre for Cancer Biology, Australia) where he published his work in the field of protein-protein interaction. Omri holds a M.Sc in Molecular and Structural Biochemistry and B.Sc in Biotechnology engineering.

21/mar | 10h15-10h30 | Cell cultured Milk – the upcoming revolution
Paulo Malta
Paulo MaltaManaging Partner

Paulo Malta is passionate about innovation, with more than 25 years of professional experience and certifications such as Innovation Management Black Belt™ and facilitator in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method.

Paulo is Managing Partner of Innovsky, a consultancy boutique specialized in Innovation Management and Business Model Transformation.

He is an invited professor at Porto Business School where he teaches Innovation Strategy and Management in the MBA programs.

Previously, Paulo was Senior Advisor to the Minister of the Presidency and Administrative Modernization in the Portuguese Government, having been responsible for driving Public Sector Innovation, the ICT Strategy, and the creation of competency centers in the Legal and Digital areas. During that assignment, Paulo created LabX, the experimentation Lab for the Portuguese Public Administration, to embed an experimentation culture within the public administration.

Paulo worked for ICT multinationals like Cisco and Alcatel, building and leading sales, pre-sales, and consulting teams in several market sectors during most of his career.

Paulo's academic background in Electrical and Computers Engineering is complemented by two postgraduate degrees in Management and in Investments & Financial Markets.

21/mar | 9h45-10h00 | Inovar usando Lego Serious Play
Pedro Tété Machado
Pedro Tété MachadoHead of B2B New Business and Advisory

Licenciado em Engenharia Industrial e Gestão pela Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, tem desenvolvido a sua carreira na NOS sempre ligada a temas de inovação e estratégia empresarial. Apaixonado pelos impactos que a tecnologia pode trazer à sociedade e às empresas, atualmente é responsável pela área de B2B New Business and Advisory, liderando as novas áreas de negócio assentes em tecnologias disruptivas como o IOT, Analytics ou 5G.

21/mar | 14h30-15h00 | Fábrica 5G da Sumol+Compal
Rita Coelho do Vale
Rita Coelho do Vale Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs
Católica Lisbon School

Doutorada em Marketing pela School of Economics and Management da Tilburg University (Holanda), MBA e Mestrado em Gestão de Empresas pela Faculdade de Economia-UNL, e licenciada em Economia pela Faculdade de Economia-UNL, é Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs, diretora da Behavioral Insights Unit (BIU) da Católica-Lisbon e coordenadora do  programa de executivos Strategic Marketing Advanced Program (SMAP). Os seus principais interesses de investigação são em torno de questões relacionadas com processos de tomada de decisão e compras por impulso, produtos sustentáveis, e marcas da distribuição, tendo publicações académicas em revistas de renome internacional. Tem lecionado sempre cadeiras de marketing tanto ao nível de licenciatura como de mestrado e de formação para executivos, participando em diversos programas personalizados para empresas. Leciona atualmente na Universidade Católica cadeiras de Comportamento do Consumidor, Marketing de Serviços, e Metodologias de Investigação.

21/mar | 12h15-12h30 | Private Label e o impacto no consumo sustentável
Vítor Verdelho Vieira
Vítor Verdelho VieiraCo-founder

Vitor Verdelho Vieira is mentor of several companies that he co-founded with partners in different sectors. He started his first microalgae biotech company Necton, SA - www.necton.pt in March 1989, which is now an European leader in the production and sale of traditional sea salt and fleur de sel, as well as the production of microalgae for aquaculture and cosmetics. He is also co-founder and board member of A4F - Algae for Future, SA - www.a4f.pt an international reference company in the sector of macro and microalgae technologies and bioengineering.

He is at present the General Manager of EABA the European Algae Biomass Association, https://eaba-association.org with headquarters in Florence, Italy. EABA represents the sector in Europe and has a wide range of activities for the promotion of the sector. During the years 2019, 2020 and 2011 he organized and managed 22 specific workshops and webinars in topics related with microalgae and seaweed.

He is presently visiting professor in Católica Porto Business School and School of Arts in Catholic University in Porto, Portugal. He is the author with Susana Costa e Silva of the 3 volumes high impact Book: The Business Case Roadmap: https://www.amazon.com/business-case-roadmap.

Between 2000 and 2015 he has been involved in the management of SpinLogic, the entrepreneurship programme and business Incubator from the College of Biotechnology in the Catholic University in Porto, where he followed and supported more than 200 startup projects.

His business experience is wide and ranges from engineering consulting and real estate to biotechnology and medical devices. In the different companies where he has been involved, he was often connected with the innovation and business development. He designed, promoted and participated in more than 60 research and development projects along the last 30 years, since the EU FP4 and interacted with more than 200 different organizations in Europe. He is author and co-author of more than 50 publications in a wide range of topics.

He has a background in Physics from the Porto University Sciences Faculty. He established his biotech and management knowledge through a comprehensive consulting experience and more than a dozen specialized training courses in Portugal and abroad, in the last 30 years, including the Sloan School of Management. His career objectives are to develop global projects, involving technology and innovation in a ‘knowledge management’ challenging framework.

21/mar | 10h30-11h00 | Moderador Painel 1

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